A lot of people ask me why I seem to always go the direction of flat design within all my designs. It’s a good question and honestly, I really don’t know. I would say it is mostly a preference and thus I want to replicate what inspires me but I also enjoy how little detail on a design can have such a huge impact. It is like a writer of a book, they don’t want to describe something to you by just saying it in blatant wording, they want to hide the description within, lets say, a metaphor. I’m terrible at explaining things but here’s an example, if a writer wants to describe someone within their book with courage, they won’t always just put “he had courage” but instead hide it with something like “and he had the mane of a lion and dove in”. This gets the reader thinking and I feel flat design is the same way. I don’t need to put all the details to get across what the design is, I can just simply use shapes and colour and the audience, if done correctly, will recognise what has been created.
I love when something is hidden in plain sight, like a little puzzle, and is most likely one of the key reasons I’ve grown so fond of flat design.